Monday, March 10, 2008

The as Research Project for College Students

College students from Ohio University of USA are taking solid actions to contribute to the Global Text Project (GTP). In their Systems Analysis and Design class (MIS320), offered to MIS major students of the College of Business, students are doing two projects that are based on the Global Text Project (GTP):

(1) Conducting research on how to implement GTP so that it will be well known to college students and successful around US and the rest of the world (like in Mexico and China)?
(2) How to design and develop a website for GTP so that it will be well known to college students and successful like

MIS320 class students formed 7 teams to do the two projects. They are: Team En Fuego, Team C#, Team Primetime, Team Red, Team Sweet 'N' Savory, The BobCats, and Team X-Treme.

So far, the first project was finished. All teams have done good work in doing research on how GTP could learn from other websites being successfully implemented targetting on college students. Some interesting and innovative ideas emerged. Two teams’ project reports were scored highest: Team En Fuego and Team Sweet 'N' Savory.

The second project will be completed within 2 weeks. I’ll report to you then. (Note: the completed second projects on designing websites for Mexican and Chinese college students were here: Team En Fuego, Team Sweet "N" Savory, and Team PrmeTime)

(Note: MIS320 instructor is Professor Wayne W. Huang. Two teaching assistants are CEPANEC, ADAM J. and HENTHORN, BRITTANY L.).

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